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(03) 5167 1458

Outdoor Residential Schools have a collective focus on delivering the Personal and Social Capabilities, improving students’ environmental knowledge and their movement through physical activity.


The Woorabinda Outdoor School operates on a cohort model in which students typically attend from one Victorian primary school and usually across one or two entire year levels. Schools apply directly to the Woorabinda campus via email ( or phone (5167 1458). Once an application is received, approval will be negotiated based on availability in the timetable, student numbers, and the willingness of the applying school to support Woorabinda’s educational and organisational objectives. Once an application is confirmed, medical and consent forms will be sent to the visiting school coordinators who will need to arrange for parents to complete these and return to their school. Completed forms must be returned to Woorabinda at least three weeks prior to the start of camp to allow for adequate preparation.

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